25-hydroxy Vitamin D3
Cholecalciferol is an inactivated form of vitamin D3 that has undergone various levels of hydroxylation to form an active vitamin D3 analogue. 1α -hydroxyvitamin D3 (α -calcitol) is a synthetic analogue metabolized to 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (the bioactive form of vitamin D3). Other analogues of cholecalciferol can be produced by different hydroxylation. 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol is the main circulating form of vitamin D3 and is the physiological precursor of 1α, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. This transformation is catalyzed by the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1-α -hydroxylase (VD3 1A hydroxylase), also known as cytochrome P450 27B1 (CYP27B1).
>Product name
Vitamin A Acetate
Research on 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH D) in animal (especially in poultry)nutrition is reviewed.25-OH DJ improves growth performance of broiler chicks,whereas the re-sponses are influenced by the levels of calcium, phosphorus,and vitamin D, in basal diets.25-OH Ds enhances bone quality and decreases TD (tibial dyschondroplasia) incidence,but this ef-fect is influenced by genetic background of birds. 25-OH D: increases the distal ileum digest-ibility of phytate-phosphorus, but it does not influence the intestinal (endogenous) phytase activ-ities.25-OH Ds regulates intestine structure and immunity. 25-OH D improves egg shell quali-ty in elder laying hens. Bone mineralization and egg shell quality as the criteria,25-OH D is 1to 2.5 times as effective as vitamin D.On the basis of renal calcification,25-OH D, is 5 to 10times more toxic than vitamin D: in poultry.
>Shipping profile