Vitamin D3 500 Feed Grade used as feed additives in feed industry. Mainly used in feed premix mixed with powders.
Molecular mass:384.64 g/mol (Atomic Weights of theElements 2007)
Vitamin D3(powder form) consists of beige or
yellow-brown, free-flowing beadlets.The powder particlescontain vitamin Da(cholecalciferol)dissolved in edible fatsfinely indroplets of 0.5-2 um embedded in a matrix ofgelatin and sucrose, and coated with starch. The productcontains BHT (2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) as anantioxidant.
Product ldentification
Vitamin D3 (powder form) is a beige or yellow-brown fineglobular, free-flowing granular powder. lt uses specialmicroencapsulation, manufactured in GMP grade100.000 clarification plant. These greatly decreased thesensibility of oxygen, heat, light and humidity.
>Product name
Vitamin A Acetate
>Shipping profile